Grest talk today!. I'm your founding member :)

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Appreciate it, Raj! I'll try not to let you down

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Hey Kyle, just a heads up that I'm waiting fro templates as well. Thanks so much for making them available - just wondering if I should expect them via email today now that I've subscribed or if there's any additional steps I need to take. Appreciate your help!

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I just shared them here @kathleen! Sorry for the delay. It was a beast to write.😅https://therevenueleadershippodcast.substack.com/p/building-a-revenue-operating-system

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Fantastic and very insightful talk. Thanks a ton, Kyle, for sharing these, and keep on going with the pod🦍

Very applicable and helpful stuff. Even for us in Europe - coming a couple of years behind on things😄

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Loved your presentation at SaaStr. I've shared the outline of your system with others. Would like to get a copy of your presentation and the templates. Thanks.

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Saw your presentation at SaaStr, Kyle - was incredible. As a new VP of Revenue at a hype-rgrowth SaaS company your templates and guidance are the exact jump start I need. Thank you!

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amazing - thank you so much. These will be so helpful. I'm stepping in the VP of Revenue role in some new ways in Q4 and this is just the starting point I needed to get the ball rolling across all functions I lead. Really appreciate you!

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Hi Kyle,

Your presentation was great! Can you please shere the slides and the templates?



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Thank you! A very interesting talk. Subscribed! :)

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Thanks, Goyo!

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Great share. Thanks for giving back.

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Thanks, Brian!

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Thanks for talk. Was awesome. I'm waiting the templates please.

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